One David Sforza wrote this article criticizing Ron Paul in the U.C. Santa Barbara daily paper. FYI, Santa Barbara is not known for attracting particularly intelligent students.
Hi,Your David Sforza wrote an article about Ron Paul.He attempted to analyze U.S. History. He did a bad job.For example, he asserts that if the U.S. did not get involved in WWII, "Germany would control the world." Is he suggesting that Hitler could have conquered Russia? China? I certainly assume he's not suggesting that Germany could have EVER successfully occupied the U.S. Facially invalid rhetoric like this makes one wonder whether you have any valid arguments in your arsenal.He also asserts that 9/11 would have occurred even if the U.S. had pursued a non-interventionist foreign policy. Has he ever read the justifications provided by Al Queda for their attack? All of them were based on our occupation, interference, and attacks on and in the Middle East.Unfortunately for us, people with reasoning abilities similar to Mr. Sforza's are currently in control of our government.But at least he has an excuse: It will still be four or five years until his brain is done growing.
1 comment:
instead of attacking my intelligence, my school and my major, how about you attack my argument. It seems the only thing Ron Paul supporters have posted online attacking my article have been attacks on me, not what I said.
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